Say “Hello!” to Mawtha!  She is one of the many beautiful creations of God.  Let’s take a look at this video to see how she is different than a butterfly.
Go Deeper:
  1. Are moths bad creatures?
  2. Moths are nocturnal.  What does that mean?
  3. Are moths born with wings?  If not, what are they before they get their wings?
See how many family members can memorize today’s Bible passage.
Take courage.  I am here!Matthew 14:27
Write this verse and hang it up in a high-traffic location in your home



Welcome to KidVid Cinema!  Today we get to meet a kid who has moved with his family many times to different homes.  His favorite home was in Louisiana.  However, he wasn’t able to go back to his home because something bad happened.  Watch his video to find out what happened and how Bryan and his family had hope through a difficult time.
Go Deeper:
  1. What does Bryan like to do for fun?
  2. Can you name all the places Bryan has lived?
  3. What happened that made Bryan and his family leave their favorite home?
  4. What does evacuate mean?
  5. Where did Bryan’s family turn to give them hope and courage?



In today’s Bible lesson, we get to meet someone who is super special.  This super special someone isn’t just anybody.  He is God’s one and only Son.  His name is Jesus.  
Jesus was born as a little baby and grew up to become a man.  Just hearing about Jesus gave the people hope!  Many people were happy when Jesus, the Messiah, finally came to earth.  Jesus fed people, He taught people, and He told people to follow Him.  Jesus chose a group of men to be His special followers.  They went everywhere with Jesus – they learned from him and saw Him do amazing things!
One day, Jesus had a very busy day.  He’d been walking and talking and telling people about God’s love all day long!  He was tired!  Jesus told His friends to get into a boat and go across the lake while He went to rest and pray. 
Now, Jesus’ friends had been out on the lake for a while, and it got dark.  Then the wind started blowing.  Then the water in the lake began making big, splashy waves.  Suddenly someone looked out of the boat and saw something that looked like a ghost!  Oh no!  Jesus’ friends were so afraid!
But it wasn’t a ghost at all – it was Jesus!  Jesus was walking on top of the water.  I have a question for you.  What happens when you jump into the water?  You sink, right?  But Jesus stayed right on the top of the water!  Jesus told His friends, “Take courage.  I am here!”  One of Jesus’ friends, named Peter, called out and said, “Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.”  So Jesus did.  When Jesus called Peter to come…Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on top of the water!  Wow!  
Peter took several steps toward Jesus, but then he noticed something.  The wind and the waves were still splashing at his feet.  The storm hadn’t stopped, and Peter was afraid!  He took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink into the water.  He cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Immediately Jesus reached out and caught Peter.  They both climbed safely into the boat.
Peter must have been scared, but Jesus gave him courage.  And Jesus gives us courage to follow Him as well!  As soon as Jesus and Peter were in the boat, the wind and waves stopped.



When we feel a little down or a little worried, we can count on Jesus to give us hope.  This song is a great reminder of that truth.  Check it out and feel free to sing along!



Mawtha reminds us that, “Jesus gives us courage…to follow Him!”  Click on the link below for a printable version of this coloring sheet.



For some people, going into a dark cave with no windows takes a lot of courage!  Bringing a light into a dark place like a cave is one way to take away the fear, but a better way is to trust Jesus with all of your fears.  Listen to this song about Jesus, the Light of the world.



Go Deeper:
Encourage each member of your family to pray.  This could be something that praises God for who He is, it could be a confession of sin, it could be something worth being thankful for, and/or it could be a request to God.
Dear Jesus,
There are a lot of things in this world that can make us scared.  When we are outside in the dark or in the basement with no lights, things can appear to be a bit frightening!  We know the Bible says for us to, “Take courage,” and that You are here.  Jesus, we ask You to give us courage in those scary times, to help us overcome those fears and to trust you just like Peter did in today’s Bible lesson.  Jesus, You are the Light of the world.
In Your precious name we pray,